Most candidates have the same questions you might be having when they received a call from one of our consultants, “How did you get my name?” and “How did you get my number?” If you are a candidate and received a call from our firm, it is because you have been recommended to us as a potential candidate for one of our clients.
The “how” and “why” you were recommended can be many, but rest assured, you must be doing something right in your career to be recommend to us. So, you should be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished in your career to be recommended to The Palumbo Company!
A couple of critical things you need to know about our firm. There is no cost or obligation for you as a candidate and our clients pay all of the candidate’s fees and expenses.
We do not disclose the identities of our clients until there is interest. At that time, we will disclose our client’s identity and set-up a confidential meeting. We respect your privacy, as well as our clients. You can rest assured, everything we discuss will be held in the strictest of confidence.